:: About Us ::

Ready Set Repay is the default prevention initiative of the Oklahoma College Assistance Program (OCAP), an operating division of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. Prior to July 1, 2010, OCAP served as Oklahoma's guarantor for the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program. As a guarantor, OCAP insured loans in the event of borrower default, bankruptcy, disability or death and assisted borrowers experiencing problems with student loans.
Ready Set Repay works with student loan borrowers and Oklahoma higher education institutions to help students make smart borrowing decisions, and successfully repay their student loans.
Student loan borrowers can also stay up to date about student loan news and resources through Facebook. Like our page, Facebook.com/ReadySetRepay, today.
::Asistencia en Español::
Múltiples empleados están disponibles para ayudar a los estudiantes y padres en español a través de la línea de información para estudiantes de los Regentes del Estado, a la que las familias pueden llegar al 800.858.1840 (405.225.9239 en Oklahoma City) o studentinfo@osrhe.edu.
:: Staff Directory ::
Default Prevention, Compliance and Training Services
Default Prevention
Melissa Neal, Executive Director
405.234.4253 | mneal@ocap.org
Jaime Shelton, Sr. Regulatory Compliance Specialist, Systems Services Coordinator and Student Loan Ombudsman
405.234.4281 | jshelton@ocap.org
Communications, Financial Education & Outreach Services
Angela Caddell, Associate Vice Chancellor for Communications
405.225.9346 | acaddell@osrhe.edu
Oklahoma Money Matters
Kelli Kelnar, Assistant Director for Outreach Services
405.234.4313 | kkelnar@ocap.org
Brittney Morgan, OKMM Outreach Specialist
405.234.4488 | bmorgan@ocap.org
Susan Faulk, Outreach Specialist I
405.234.4415 | sfaulk@ocap.org